Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Thanksgiving at Trouble Maker!

For Thanksgiving this year, a group of my parents' friends decided to go kayaking. Now that I started kayaking Chili Bar, I can join them! Here's a video of my line in Trouble Maker - not perfect, but super fun!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

6th Grade Yosemite Trip

Yay, we just got back from Yosemite! My 6th Grade class went on a field trip to Yosemite with Nature Bridge. It was really fun. We hiked a lot. And the food was really good. I had a field guide book that I drew in. I drew Half Dome and Yosemite Falls. During the day we played a lot of team building games. We also had night activities where we would play tag in the dark. My dad was a chaperone for the trip, but he was not in my cabin nor in my trail group. The nature guides did a great job leading us. This was one of the best field trips I've been on with school.
